Top Novels

Because everyone likes lists . . .

My top 100 novels. Fortunately, this list is still in progress! Last updated in June 2022.

  1. War and Peace. Leo Tolstoy
  2. The Brothers Karamazov. Fyodor Dostoevsky
  3. Ulysses. James Joyce
  4. Don Quixote. Miguel de Cervantes
  5. The Wings of the Dove. Henry James
  6. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. James Joyce
  7. Anna Karenina. Leo Tolstoy
  8. Their Eyes Were Watching God. Zora Neale Hurston
  9. One Hundred Years of Solitude. Gabriel García Márquez
  10. The Power and the Glory. Graham Greene
  11. The Great Gatsby. F. Scott Fitzgerald
  12. The Sound and the Fury. William Faulkner
  13. Beloved. Toni Morrison
  14. Infinite Jest. David Foster Wallace
  15. Native Son. Richard Wright
  16. Moby Dick. Herman Melville
  17. Crime and Punishment. Fyodor Dostoevsky
  18. The Golden Bowl. Henry James
  19. Clarissa. Samuel Richardson
  20. The Magic Mountain. Thomas Mann
  21. From Here to Eternity. James Jones
  22. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain
  23. Love in the Time of Cholera. Gabriel García Márquez
  24. Voss. Patrick White
  25. Washington Square. Henry James
  26. The Heart of the Matter. Graham Greene
  27. The Secret Agent. Joseph Conrad
  28. The Old Wives’ Tale. Arnold Bennett
  29. 2666. Roberto Bolaño
  30. The Moonstone. Wilkie Collins
  31. Darkness at Noon. Arthur Koestler
  32. Nineteen Eighty-Four. George Orwell
  33. Lolita. Vladimir Nabokov
  34. The Adventures of Augie March. Saul Bellow
  35. Quicksand. Nella Larsen
  36. Winesburg, Ohio. Sherwood Anderson
  37. The Age of Innocence. Edith Wharton
  38. The Monk. Matthew Lewis
  39. Buddenbrooks. Thomas Mann
  40. The Idiot. Fyodor Dostoevsky
  41. The Talented Mr. Ripley. Patricia Highsmith
  42. I, Claudius. Robert Graves
  43. Gravity’s Rainbow. Thomas Pynchon
  44. The Color Purple. Alice Walker
  45. The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea. Yukio Mishima
  46. The Transylvanian Trilogy. Miklós Bánffy
  47. Go Tell it on the Mountain. James Baldwin
  48. All the King’s Men. Robert Penn Warren
  49. Alone in Berlin. Hans Fallada
  50. An American Tragedy. Theodore Dreiser
  51. Stoner. John Williams
  52. Madame Bovary. Gustave Flaubert
  53. Things Fall Apart. Chinua Achebe
  54. Butcher’s Crossing. John Williams
  55. The Grapes of Wrath. John Steinbeck
  56. Catch 22. Joseph Heller
  57. Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen
  58. Under the Volcano. Malcolm Lowry
  59. As I Lay Dying. William Faulkner
  60. Jude the Obscure. Thomas Hardy
  61. The Death of the Heart. Elizabeth Bowen
  62. To the Lighthouse. Virginia Woolf
  63. White Noise. Don DeLillo
  64. A Clockwork Orange. Anthony Burgess
  65. A Tale of Two Cities. Charles Dickens
  66. A Room with a View. E. M. Forster
  67. Solomon Gursky Was Here. Mordecai Richler
  68. Brave New World. Aldous Huxley
  69. Under the Net. Irish Murdoch
  70. Freedom. Jonathan Franzen
  71. Trainspotting. Irvine Welsh
  72. The Good Soldier. Ford Madox Ford
  73. Brighton Rock. Graham Greene
  74. Independent People. Halldór Laxness
  75. The Information. Martin Amis
  76. The Picture of Dorian Gray. Oscar Wilde
  77. Late Nights on Air. Elizabeth Hay
  78. Loving. Henry Green
  79. The Catcher in the Rye. J. D. Salinger
  80. McTeague. Frank Norris
  81. The Remains of the Day. Kazuo Ishiguro
  82. The Left Hand of Darkness. Ursula K. Le Guin
  83. Who Do You Think You Are? Alice Munro
  84. Can You Forgive Her? Anthony Trollope
  85. The Hunter. Richard Stark
  86. Empire Falls. Richard Russo
  87. Dune. Frank Herbert
  88. The God of Small Things. Arundhati Roy
  89. The French Lieutenant’s Woman. John Fowles
  90. The Grand Hotel. Vicki Baum
  91. Between Clay and Dust. Musharraf Ali Farooqi
  92. Frankenstein. Mary Shelley
  93. We Need to Talk About Kevin. Lionel Shriver
  94. No Great Mischief. Alistair Macleod
  95. The Line of Beauty. Alan Hollinghurst
  96. Memento Mori. Muriel Spark
  97. Women in Love. D. H. Lawrence
  98. Summer Will Show. Sylvia Townsend Warner
  99. 1Q84. Haruki Murakami
  100. The Man Without Qualities. Robert Musil